Category: Uncategorized

  • Side-by-side comparison through the Vertical Burn Test UL94

    Side-by-side comparison through the Vertical Burn Test UL94

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  • Laser Welding Enclosures

    Laser Welding Enclosures

    A company in Germany is currently testing enclosing their laser CNC welders with a thin layer of Starlite…even with the possibility of retrofitting! The competitive advantage comes from the lower cost of Starlite vs. the current copper plates that envelope the laser welder. A thin 2mm layer of Starlite can deflect High-Energy Lasers for a… Read more

  • Surviving an Oxyacetylene Torch

    Surviving an Oxyacetylene Torch

    The flame melted a bare aluminum bar in about 30 seconds, the egg remained raw for 90 with a 2mm thick Starlite coating on it. See it for yourself in the video below. Read more

  • BBC Documentary 2022

    BBC Documentary 2022

    The BBC reporter Lee Johnson followed-up with the the report on Starlite from 2018 providing a change for Thermashield, LLC to expand upon the story, the current status of the technology and our plans for the future. The reporter interviews a Youtuber who claims to have figured out the material, to which the immediate response… Read more

  • Clarification on Starlite Replication Attempts

    Clarification on Starlite Replication Attempts

    Dear Innovators, In the pursuit of scientific breakthroughs, it’s natural for minds to converge on materials like Starlite. However, we must address a common misconception—one that risks misnaming and misunderstanding this remarkable substance. The Quest for Replication Many have attempted to replicate Maurice Ward’s original formulation, driven by curiosity, potential, and financial gain. Yet, we must… Read more

  • A Thorough Egg Test…

    A Thorough Egg Test…

    We set out to replicate the egg test in a more formal way, looking to capture as much data as possible to understand how the material does what it does. Test Parameters: Since the contents of the egg remains raw after 5 minutes of direct contact with a high heat flux, it is possible to… Read more

  • BBC Documentary 2018

    BBC Documentary 2018

    In 1990 The BBC gave Maurice Ward a big opportunity to demonstrate his material on live TV using an egg. An event that to this day captures the imagination of many. Fast-forward to 2018 and they follow up with the Starlite invention. See the video below: Read more

  • Heritage


    As part of the sales agreement with the Wards, Thermashield acquired all samples, hand written formulation notes, ingredients, digital media, documents and more from the Ward family. These materials are kept safe, in memoriam of Maurice Ward and his incredible story.  Read more

  • Starlite: A Breakthrough Against High-Energy Lasers

    Starlite: A Breakthrough Against High-Energy Lasers

    Our Own Samples Shine BrightIn a groundbreaking development, our company’s own samples of Starlite have passed rigorous tests—reaffirming the material’s extraordinary properties. These tests mirror the characteristics that made Starlite famous, including the remarkable “self-healing” effect observed by aerospace giant Boeing. For us, this achievement marks a significant milestone, especially considering that we’ve updated and expanded upon… Read more

  • Reproduction and Validation

    Reproduction and Validation

    Our first priority was to prove that we could reproduce the outstanding results that Maurice had shown the world. The approach though, was much different: we performed standardized testing by independent 3rd party labs who were quick to note that this material does not burn. To the right is a successful ASTM D635-15 test conducted… Read more

  • The Egg Test

    The Egg Test

    A simple 5 minute test, yet effective to rule out underperforming formulations. ​Greatly extended protection times are limited only by the purity & characteristics of the polymer, elastomer or other host mix.  Read more