Clarification on Starlite Replication Attempts

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Dear Innovators,

In the pursuit of scientific breakthroughs, it’s natural for minds to converge on materials like Starlite. However, we must address a common misconception—one that risks misnaming and misunderstanding this remarkable substance.

The Quest for Replication

Many have attempted to replicate Maurice Ward’s original formulation, driven by curiosity, potential, and financial gain. Yet, we must clarify: Only Thermashield has successfully replicated Starlite’s properties. We legally acquired the invention from Maurice’s estate and hold the secret to it.

Kitchen Alchemy vs. Scientific Reality

While intriguing DIY experiments have surfaced—mixing household ingredients in hopes of replicating Starlite—we must clarify: Maurice Ward’s formulations bear no resemblance to these kitchen concoctions. Here’s why:

  1. Formula Complexity:
    • Ward’s secret recipe remains just that—a secret. Its components defy casual sourcing.
    • Specialty chemical suppliers, ingredients, mix ratios and mixing procedure all hold the key to manufacturing Starlite.
  2. Thin Coatings vs. Enduring Protection:
    • A thick coating of household materials might offer some protection in the short run.
    • A thin layer of Starlite thrives over decades, shielding against heat, lasers, and even the weather.

Starlite does not contain baking soda, corn starch, PVA glue or flour, it’s made of specialty chemicals.